Saturday, March 6, 2010

St Louis Zoo!

St Louis had a FABULOUS zoo. So we decided to spend our Saturday there...

Look at his LOOOONG tongue...

This guys is an orangutan...He weighs over 400 pounds and is 20 years old.

Bird pictures for Grandma Bobbie!!
The peacock was just hanging out (not in a cage) in the bird garden.

We thought this toucan looked like a stuffed animal...such vibrant colors in the beak.

i LOVE giraffes.
The male camel was all about strutting his stuff.
kyle wants a spider monkey.
for a pet.

Sea lion and seal feeding

Mama and baby iguanas..

Penguins for John!!
"John will be so disappointed if we don't see the penguins." -Kyle

This is a Puffin.
We think it looks like a duck penguin.

The hippos were huge!

The weather was gorgeous! So many of the animals were out.. it was quite enjoyable!


Laci said...

Who is the John character that likes penguins? Sounds hot! Miss and Love you BOTH!